Old school web tattoos!

Spider web tattoos are a traditional and black work staple. Webs are often used to fill small gaps, or saved for hard to fill areas such as elbows, knee caps & ditches and hands. These tattoos were once synonymous with time spent in incarceration (both federal and military), in modern times they’re used more for aesthetic purposes.

Web by Milky.

Spider and web by Milky.

Our artist Milky specialises in no nonsense American traditional tattooing, and we’ve gathered a bunch of our favourite webs he’s tattooed. Milky draws a bunch of his webs free hand onto clients, wrapping up some of those harder to fill spots which caps off traditional sleeves, torsos and leg projects beautifully.

Spider and web by Milky.

Web by Milky.

Enjoy our appreciation blog post for the webs of Milky! If timeless tattoos are something you’re after drop us a bell at the studio to make a booking.

Webs by Milky.

Front project by Milky.

Sunset Tattoo is the home of some of New Zealand’s most celebrated tattooists, and located on Cross Street of Central Auckland, just behind iconic Karangahape Road (K Road). We specialise in timeless, professional tattoo styles such as Japanese, Maori, America/western traditional and black work. With a friendly team, a gorgeous studio and decades of knowledge we would love to help you with your next tattoo project. For more information, get in touch with us.
