Want to get tattooed? Here is what you need to know!

Any new experience can be a little bit daunting. Especially when its one that you know is going to be a little bit painful, involve you being in pretty close proximity to someone you barely know, and be etched on your body for life. If you’ve never been tattooed before, or maybe it’s been awhile or you’re planning something quite large, here is some great advice given from our artists and studio.

By Tom Tom!

Do your research.
First things first, do your homework. What do you want to get tattooed on your body? Ask yourself a few basic questions: what do you want, where do you want it, how big do you want it, and what type of tattoo style are you into? This does not have to be set in stone, however it’s really helpful for the studio/artist get on the same page as the client. Simply saying “I want a tattoo” and having no further guidance is not particularly helpful. Expanding on that, it’s good to make sure the studio you are talking to is the right fit for your tattoo. If the tattoo is reasonably simple and straight forward, most studios should be able to help you, however if you’re after something very specialised, it pays to have a look at artist portfolios. Most studios nowadays have a website and social media where you can view a selection of resident artists work. If you’re off the grid, and don’t have a social media account, you can generally ask to go into the studio and take a look at artists flash walls, as well as some photos of completed work. In summary: you wouldn’t go to an Italian restaurant for sushi, the same way you wouldn’t go to a Ta Moko artist for a colour realism piece.

By Lucky Felix!

Be realistic.
So, you want something epic! That’s rad! Artists LOVE doing big pieces, like sleeves, back pieces and other large scale projects. However, these awesome tattoos take time, commitment and generally pre-planning. At our studio, we get so many people coming in asking if they can get a full Japanese sleeve that day. This simply cannot be done in a day without any prior communication. If you’re seriously interested in a large project, like a sleeve with background detail, get in touch with the studio to seek advice. We want a tattoo you’re absolutely stoked with, and we want it to look good for life. Plan in properly! If you’re feeling impulsive, and want to get an impromptu tattoo, look at available artists flash sheets, or ask them if they have any pre-drawn designs that they’re really keen to tattoo!

By Manawa Tapu!

Be honest about your budget, and don’t try to haggle the quote given to you by the studio.
Guess what!? Art costs money! Your tattoo is custom designed for you and your body, and the size it needs to be to allow for detail. It can take hours and multiple drawings for your artist to have your custom design ready. Designing tattoos takes time, and time costs money.
Tattoo artists work ridiculously hard, it’s a physically and mentally taxing industry, and what they charge you pays for more than their time. It also goes into their supplies, sterile set up, drawing time, rent, etc. If you have a budget you need to work within, communicate this with your artist ahead of time. It pays to have an open mind when working with a budget, as the placement, size and detail could be different to what you originally imagined. Most artists and studios will take a deposit to cover drawing time and ensure clients commitment to the tattoo. Please note, we do not send out designs without a deposit, or over the internet for copyright reasons.

By Roger Moore!

Don’t change your mind last minute.
…and expect to get tattooed. 
It’s your body, and you should absolutely never be forced to wear a tattoo you don’t want, period. However major adjustments can require a total redraw of the tattoo design, especially if you’ve completely changed your mind about what you want. Your appointment may have to be rescheduled to allow clients following you to still be allowed their allocated time slot. Best thing to do if you’ve got something you changed about your tattoo? Contact the studio and/or artist ahead of time to discuss your options :)

By Magali Corpas!

Show up.
Show up to your appointment. On time. In a good space, well fed, well hydrated, well rested and feeling good. Don’t go on a bender the night before. The better you feel, the better your tattoo will go. Make sure you shower, and you’re in comfortable clothes that you’re comfortable lying down on a massage bed for a decent amount of time for. If you’re unable to make your appointment, contact the studio with as much notice as possible. At the studio, we ask for 5 working days notice to reschedule any appointments or you risk losing your deposit. We understand that life happens, and sometimes accidents, emergencies and sickness occurs but please only make appointments that you can and intend to attend. No shows are a huge loss for our artists, if you don’t show up, you will lose your deposit.

By Milky!

Prepare/reference images.
Better yet, from the artist you’re working withs portfolio! For example, if you’re after a dragon tattoo, bring along some images of dragons you like. Images can be of tattoos, paintings, illustrations, or all of the above! Just note, skin is a very different medium from paper, and non-tattoo designs will need to be redrawn to work well as a tattoo. Also, have a think about whether you want black and grey, or colour, as not all artists/styles work with both.

By Capilli Tupou!

Listen to the advice of your artist.
Don’t be offended if you’re told that your idea isn’t a good one. Sometimes as clients we do need to be told that our ideas are a bit off, are too complicated, or just plain bad. Tattoo artists are professionals, and they know what will age well and what wont. An artist may suggest a consultation if they think your ideas need discussing, and is a great way to get a bit more clarity about what makes an awesome tattoo. Skin is a very particular medium. It moves, it ages, it stretches, it shrinks, it gets exposed to the elements. Trying to fit too much subject matter into a small space can look confusing, messy and age terribly. Best advice? Keep your ideas simple. Your artist and studio wants your tattoo to look good for life! They are professionals, and will do their best to not permanently mark your skin with something that will look weird in a few years. They really appreciate your trust!

By Horiyama!

Don’t bring your friends.
Would you take someone along to your hair cut? Or to your wax? Or to watch you eat at a restaurant? Probably not. Same goes for tattooing! Artists are understanding that it can be a little nerve wracking, and sometimes you need a bit of support. Artists tattoo people all day, everyday and are very, very experienced in dealing with people who are nervous. They will talk you through the process, and help you stay as comfortable as possible. Although our friends often have the best intentions, they’re often more of a hinderance than helpful. The artist generally knows where your tattoo will look the best, and will give you their honest opinion. Leave your friends at home, or tell them to go grab a coffee or chill outside the shop while you’re getting tattooed. You can show them as soon as it’s done! If you’re really in need of a support person, have a chat to the artist and ask if they’re ok with someone coming through with you.

By Horimatsu Bunshin!

Try not to move.
Breathe normally, try not to tense too much or wiggle around like a little worm. It can be easier said than done, but do your best to relax and “sit like a rock” - this will help the artist be able to whip out those crispy lines, and to tattoo you more efficiently. Some people find listening to music or podcasts helpful, others meditation, and others good chats with their artist.

By Bernard Kwok!

Getting tattooed is a super fun experience, and tattoo shops are a fun, friendly place to be. We at the studio want everyone to be stoked with their tattoos, and know that when they get tattooed it’s going to look good for life. With an epic range of artists based in central Auckland, we cover pretty much all time tested, time honoured tattooing. Specialising in Maori, Japanese, Traditional and black work tattooing, we would love to help you achieve your tattoo dreams! For requests, please contact the studio!
