Tattoo aftercare advice from Sunset Tattoo

A simple internet search of “how do I look after my fresh tattoo” can often leave you more confused than informed. Since anyone can put information on the internet, it can be difficult to know what the best instructions to follow are.

At Sunset Tattoo, your artist will talk you through aftercare instructions during your appointment. We also have instructions at reception for you to take home, whether it’s your first tattoo ever or if you’re an old veteran in need of a refresher. 

A few simple instructions, along with some common sense will keep you new tattoo clean, hygienic and help you to make sure your tattoo looks good for life. Remember a new tattoo is essentially an open wound, so cleanliness is super important!

Listen to the advice of your tattoo artist.
Your tattoo artist is a professional in their specialist form of art. Although there are guidelines for tattoo aftercare, something very solid and heavily saturated may need to be treated differently from something finer lined, with little shading and lots of negative space. Just like any wound, the more trauma that is caused (aka the bigger the tattoo) the more healing your body will have to do. So listen to the artist who did your tattoo, as they are the experts and will give you the best advise for healing your unique piece.

Remove bandage after two hours, wash well with warm soapy water and pat dry with a clean towel.
When your tattoo is finished, your artist will wrap your tattoo in plastic wrap or a bandage. This is to be kept on for a minimum of two hours, and can be left on for longer if you aren’t going home straight away. This is where common sense comes in to play. Of course there are a few do’s and don’ts after getting tattooed, including going to the gym and mud wrestling right after your tattoo session. However, if you are returning to work, or going out for dinner after your session you can absolutely leave your wrap on until you return home or to a hygienic environment to clean it properly.
Once the wrap is removed, clean your fresh tattoo with warm, soapy water (the shower is the easiest way to do this) using a liquid soap. An antibacterial soap works really well, as does mild unscented soap. Pat the area dry with a clean paper towel, and definitely not your damp towel you’ve left hanging in the bathroom for a few days!

Let air dry, and apply a small amount of tattoo aftercare cream.
Once you’ve dried the area with a paper towel, let your tattoo breathe and air dry for awhile. Remember your tattoo is an open wound, and it needs to be kept as clean and dry in order to heal. Once fully dry, apply a very small amount of aftercare cream to the area, rub in well (but not aggressively). A good piece of advice for this is LESS IS MORE. This is not sunscreen, you don’t need truckloads. It is to help soothe and protect your tattoo, but it doesn’t need to be lathered onto the skin or leave a thick, heavy barrier. 
We sell an aftercare cream called Protat at the studio, and you can also find options at the pharmacy, such as bepanthen. Light, unscented moisturisers such as cetaphil work really well, just make sure its something that will not irritate the your sensitive healing skin. When in doubt, contact the artist or studio you were tattooed with before using. Repeat twice daily for two weeks.

Protat aftercare cream - we sell and recommend this at Sunset Tattoo

Do not soak in water, swim in the sea or swimming pool.
This is a big one! For two weeks please do not swim. Whether it’s in ocean, lake, river, pool, spa/jacuzzi, what have you! This can really mess up the healing of your tattoo, as well as expose your healing skin to any nasty bacteria which may be in the water. This extends to soaking in the bath, sauna, steam room, etc. Showers and washing is absolutely fine, just no soaking for long periods of time.

Do not expose your tattoo to the sun until completely healed.
Keep your fresh tattoo covered up with loose, comfortable clothing. Exposure to the sun is what fades your tattoo the most, especially while healing. Once your tattoo is healed, you should always put sunscreen on your tattoos to keep them in good shape. Your traumatised skin is also incredibly sensitive during the healing period, so you are a lot more at risk for a nasty burn from the suns damaging UV rays.

No scratching, itching or picking!
This is a no brainer, but do not pick, scratch or itch your tattoo. Your tattoo is going to get itchy. This is where the tattoo cream can be very handy in soothing the itch. Please do not let anyone else touch your tattoo. We are unsure why, but people seem to love touching fresh tattoos on other people. Would you touch someones grazed leg!? We don’t think so. A good rule to follow is unless you are cleaning your tattoo, don’t touch it!

Keep clean at all times.
Just to reiterate: Keep your tattoo clean! Wash and dry regularly, wear clean, lose clothing. Change your sheets regularly and don’t touch it. Simple, really!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the healing of your tattoo, you should contact the studio you were tattooed at. Everyone has different skin and different immune systems, but if you follow these simple rules you should have no problem at all. If you notice your tattoo becoming inflamed, painful or oozy, you should contact both your tattoo artist and your GP to seek medical advise. Infections are rare, but can happen, and are usually very easily treated with a short course of antibiotics. Sometimes skin can also react to the alcohol your skin is cleaned with prior to the tattoo, or develop a slight rash from when the area is shaved. This is pretty normal, but again contact the studio if you have any questions or concerns, we are always happy to help you out!
