What have our artists been up to during lockdown - here's a sneak peak!

Just like the rest of New Zealand (and a lot of the global population) our artists have been self isolating trying to stamp out the spread of the virus COVID-19. However, instead of watching Tiger King like the rest of us they’ve been putting in WORK creating new flash, painting and creating (ok, they’ve definitely watched Tiger King too). Here is a little sample of some of the goodness that has come out of the isolated minds of our talented tattoo family!

Our super talented American traditional artist Milky has created this insane COVID-19 inspired mind trip. He’s also been painting flossy apocalyptic realness flash, which you can view on his instagram.

Hyperbolic peace chamber by Milky.

Magali has been on lockdown with her partner Miles and baby boy Akira. She painted this gorgeous piece aptly called “Akira’s room”. Magali has been enjoying painting a lot more since being on a small break from tattooing while on Maternity Leave, and we are loving her Akira inspired softer artwork. For more paintings and designs, check out her instagram.

Akira’a room by Magali Corpas.

Our Ta Moko apprentice Fern Ngatai has been in isolation for longer than the closedown due to a trip to Australia to display her artwork as part of of the “Haiveta” boat project for Biennale Sydney. She’s been painting A2 and A0 originals, including this stunning red number called “Mahuika”. For more work, please visit her instagram.

Mahuika by Fern Ngatai.

This closedown has been really hard on the creative community, so if you can support local artists anyway through buying a print, commissioning a work or even interacting with them online to show your appreciate what they’re up to that’s awesome. We wish to extend our gratitude to all of our clients and friends for your support and kind words through this tough time. We can’t wait to be back in action, hopefully sooner rather than later, bringing you awesome tattoos, whether custom ideas or flash!

If there is a concept you’ve seen from one of our artists that you’re interested in getting tattooed, please drop the studio an email. We are still taking enquiries, and organising online consultations when required. We’re exciting to reopen with a bang as soon as we’re given the official word. Our sunny central Auckland studio specialises in Japanese, Maori, Western traditional and black work tattooing, and would love to help you out with any requests.
