Sunset’s Misery has teamed up with Blunt Umbrellas

Our very own artist Misery has teamed up with the amazing Kiwi Company Blunt Umbrellas to create this beautiful limited edition line of umbrellas. 

Blunt Umbrellas

Blunt are not playing around in the umbrella market. They plan on revolutionising it. Through bold, forward-thinking, they are challenging the status quo and changing the game in the process.

Blunt started when Kiwi engineer Greig Brebner was living in London. Dealing with rainy commutes everyday, Greig noticed how unsafe umbrellas were - being so tall, the spikes often poked him in the eye! He also noticed how umbrellas had become a throwaway commodity, mainly due to poor-quality materials and flimsy, outdated design.

Reinventing the Umbrella

To to save his eyes and reduce the number of broken umbrellas that end up as landfill each year, Greig set out to do something no one had done since 1928 - to re-invent the umbrella. And he began by re-designing the mechanisms.

Going right back to the drawing board, Greig married engineering innovation with no-fuss design styling to create something that exceeded even his own expectations: a ridiculously strong umbrella that could handle seriously wild weather.

After pushing countless prototypes to the limits in wind tunnels and on the blustery hills of Auckland, Greig finally did it. He'd re-invented the umbrella. And it just so happened to become the best umbrella in the world.

Misery in the rain

Sunset’s very own Mama Bear Misery has teamed up with Blunt Umbrellas to create a gorgeous, limited edition range.

"My husband breeds tropical fish, and for the past year our studio has been shared with quite a few aquariums, which is lovely to be surrounded by, and has definitely had some influence in creating this work. I wanted the design to be watery and dreamy but also quite graphic with eye-popping colour so it would really be noticed when coming down the street."

If you would like one the best umbrellas in the world, with a design from one of New Zealand’s top artists, then head on over to to score one !