How to tell if a tattoo is infected

Here at Sunset Studio, we take every precaution when it comes to hygiene. All our equipment is sterilised and we only use disposable tubes with high-quality Eternal Ink.

However, no-one is immune to stupidity or bad luck. If you get a tattoo and then go roll around in the muck, there’s a good chance you’re going to get an infection.

The trick is to spot the warning signs before things get really out of hand. An infected tattoo is a dangerous thing, and if left untreated can have serious consequences.

Spot the warning signs

After getting a tattoo, redness, itching and tenderness are all to be expected, so don’t panic. With some basic aftercare instructions and some Protat aftercare cream, you should be fine and everything will be healed and back to normal in a couple of weeks.

If however you tenderness turns into genuine pain, then you might want to pay attention.

If you start to notice any kind of red lumps or sores, then there’s a good chance your tat has become infected. Thing will soon start to get out of hand with thick white or yellow puss. If you experience a fever or nausea, then it’s time to get to the doctors.

A tattoo is an open wound, and as such is a gateway for bacteria to enter the body. If you’re unlucky enough to get an infection, it might not even affect the tattooed area! Symptoms might start to show as aches and pains throughout the body, or vomiting and diarrhoea.

Long story short, if you feel sick after getting a tattoo, go get it checked out.

What to avoid

The best thing you can do for a new tattoo is to keep it clean.

Listen to your artist and buy whatever creams they suggest. We use Protat aftercare, it’s one of the best on the market. It will help keep your skin hydrated.

Avoid direct sunlight, the ultra violet radiation will damage your already sensitive skin. Stay away from swimming pools and anything that may get your tattoo dirty. If you’re into sport that involve a lot of sweat, you’re just going to have to take a break for a while. The last thing you need is a staph infection.

Some people, especially those with immune conditions, have more severe immune responses to the procedure and inks used, but this is very rare.

Just be sensible and look after yourself – and your tattoo- and you’ll be fine.